Thursday, July 26, 2007

Out of character

I just feel the need to mention this. As part of my "new attitude", I'm trying to live a lot more "in the moment". Which means maybe I don't ALWAYS need to take pictures of everything.

Or do I????

Two days in a row, I took the kids out for the afternoon (to the park and the beach) and DIDN'T bring my camera. On purpose. Can you say "out of character"?? I was so proud of myself for deciding to leave it home. Yeah, I'm really taking this "new attitude" thing to heart!!

But you know what??? I was sorry that I didn't bring it. Especially at the beach yesterday - it was so beautiful, and the kids were having SOO much fun - and more than once I found myself saying "damn, I want to take a picture of that."

So guess what - I'm going back to taking the camera everywhere.

Lesson learned - Maybe not everything about my old attitude needs changing. Some things are just "ME" - and that's fine.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey Donna!!! Just noticing that you started a blog! Yay! I'll be reading it. :)

And I know exactly what you mean about the's like a double edged sword! LOL!