Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Life is also too short for internet BS

No more Scrapjazz for me for a while.

I posted an innocent little spin-off thread a few days ago, and a few pictures of my house, and boy did things get out of control. All of a sudden my little "don't you hate that" kind of thread got turned into a complete bashing of my finances and attitude. I don't want to post the details here, cause that'll just get me all upset again, but let me just say that I found out who my friends are.

It's just as well - I was getting way too hooked on that site anyway. I'm a very shy person in real life, so making friends online is always easier - maybe too easy. It's so easy for me to get "sucked in" to an online community and spend way too much time there, and then I end up ignoring things that need my attention in real life.

Maybe a little less internet time will allow me to have more time for things like exercise, and time with Kevin, and fixing up the house, etc.

Just looking for the silver lining here.

I still kind of feel like I got punched in the stomach today - my "safe" little place on the web is not so safe anymore. My circle of "friends" is not as friendly as I thought. It will take me some time to get used to not having that place to vent anymore. But as I found out, venting to those people (well to some of them anyway) just gets me in trouble.

Life is too short for that kind of BS.

So I guess I'm going to have to do my venting here from now on.

It's really not healthy for me to care so much about the opinions (unsolicited or otherwise) of people I've never even met. So I need to back away, get my own "real" life in order, and maybe some day I'll be able to go back, when I can go back to feeling that it's "just a message board".


Amy said...

I'm sorry, Donna. But your attitude seems great. Tackle new things. I hope you have an awesome trip! - ugagirl

Kristin said...

I love you Donna and understand how you are feeling. Don't worry - I won't let you escape me and my Andrew and Timmyisms. . . . ;)
Plus, you really aren't that far from me!

Leslie said...

take care of you. I'll be checking in here on you now and then!